In MPI104 I have learnt a lot about and flickr. Before MPI104 I have never heard of Delicious. Now I have I think it is pretty awesome, as I have more options on how I am able to get information on to the interwebs.
So far on Blogger I have 7 posts not including this one. Most of my posts are about this subject except the one with a video link. It was a practice on how to add video, it worked and I posted it to my blog. I learnt how to use the link code thing<a href="insert url">Link Title</a>, I found this confusing at first but now I am happy about using it confidently.
I commented of other people’s blogs. I found that people in the MPI104 class have very interesting blogs. I have also added video onto my blog which was exciting. Also I added links to my favourite 2 websites and a link to the masterblog for people to help me.
At this point in time I have 4 pictures on Flickr. These are of random photos I have on my computer. I have added titles, descriptions and sets for these photos. Along with my own photos I have commented on other people’s photos.
I have made the minimum amount of bookmarks which were the other WebPages we user and one of my favourites. I added a class mate’s blog and made a network. I also made a bundle with tags.